Sunday of Transformation

A Sunday with the Angel

Dedicate yourself to a whole day away from any daily problem, is a time of great psycho-physical balance. We need the time to rework the experiences that interfere with inner balance.

Too many commitments, pressures, frustrations and resentment make life complicated and very demanding. Free from the pressure of having to always be what everyone expects, allow the body, mind and soul to bring us into a moment of quiet. A stillness forgotten and difficult to contact in the emotional turmoil of everyday life. Connect to the inner Angel-feel brings out old memories. Memories of other times and other places of the soul.

Silence, music, dance and meditation give us a new push to read with attention the attitudes of the daily. Fell themselves free from ratings, to express yourself in harmony, is the best form of healing that each can exert on themselves.

Sunday of Transformation
Sunday 27 May 2012
Sunday 25 November 2012
Spiritual Center “Il Punto di Luce Risveglio dell’Amore”
Priocca, via Serra dei Costa 3